our culture


Our Culture: Six ways we live

In Matthew 28:16-20 Jesus explains to his disciples that wants them to guard over the ways of thinking and acting he has shown them and the truths that he has revealed to them. His presence is promised to be there with them and throughout the book of Acts we see the church doing just this. They “guard” and pass on the way of life Jesus had taught them.

This theme is guarding is important and we use a different word which has similar meaning; “Culture.” When we define a culture we agree as a community what we will encourage to grow in our hearts, and we set boundaries.

As a church community we have agreed on the following as our culture and the six areas of that culture that we are seeking to develop and grow.

Our culture looks like this:


Honour is a response to grace where we respect someone’s intrinsic value. Demonstrating kindness, patience and forgiveness to all, being accepting of one another.


Generosity embraces doing good, being rich in good deeds and willing to share in a kind and plentiful way.


Acceptance embraces kindness, patience and forgiveness to all and helps to break down judgmental attitudes and barriers within the church.


When we understand God’s covenant with us is one of grace then we can enjoy the freedom to live real, authentic lives.


Where we are bold and we live by taking risks, being creative and stepping out in faith.


Where we understanding God as Father, our identity in Christ, our place as sons and daughters adopted into the family of God and then demonstrate the inclusive nature of family by loving God,  one another and the wider community.